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Eastfield College Demographics & Diversity Report

How diverse is Eastfield College? College Factual's 2021 diversity report reveals the truth and stats about diversity at Eastfield College. We analyzed racial demographics, gender ratios, student age ranges, and more.

Eastfield College Student Population

16,505 Total Students

How Many Students Attend Eastfield College?

Eastfield College total enrollment is approximately 16,505 students.

Eastfield College Undergraduate Population

Male/Female Breakdown of Undergraduates

The full-time Eastfield College undergraduate population is made up of 53% women, and 47% men.


For the gender breakdown for all students, go here.

Eastfield College Racial/Ethnic Breakdown of Undergraduates

Race/Ethnicity Number
Hispanic 1,813
White 520
Black or African American 506
Unknown 133
Asian 118
Multi-Ethnic 51
International 2
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1

See racial/ethnic breakdown for all students.

Average Ranking in Overall Diversity Nationwide

Eastfield College achieved a College Factual diversity rank of #1,578 out of 3,514 total schools in the ranking.

Overall Diversity Ranking  1578 out of 3514
Less Diverse
More Diverse
Overall Diversity Score  55.11 out of 100
Less Diverse
More Diverse

Some schools are more diverse in different categories, some are less. This school ranks close to average in overall diversity, and some categories may be more diverse than others. The diversity categories measured on this page are student race/ethnicity, gender, age, and location.

How Does Eastfield College Diversity Compare to National Averages?


Eastfield College is considered middle of the road when it comes to overall diversity. Some aspects of diversity may be stronger than others.

Above Average when it Comes to Racial/Ethnic Diversity

77% Racial-Ethnic Minorities *

Eastfield College is ranked 665 out of 3,790 when it comes to the racial/ethnic diversity of the students.

Racial-Ethnic Diversity Ranking  665 out of 3790
Less Diverse
More Diverse
Racial-Ethnic Diversity Score  82.48 out of 100
Less Diverse
More Diverse

High racial/ethnic diversity in the student body means plenty of opportunities to interact with and learn from students with different backgrounds and cultures than you.

Eastfield College Racial Demographics:

Race/Ethnicity Number
Hispanic 8,606
White 3,099
Black or African American 3,051
Asian 768
Unknown 614
Multi-Ethnic 291
International 25
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 9

Average Male/Female Ratio

More Female Students

Eastfield College ranks 1,787 out of 3,790 when it comes to gender parity on campus.

Student Gender Ratio  1787 out of 3790
Less Diverse
More Diverse
Student Male/Female Diversity Score  52.86 out of 100
Less Diverse
More Diverse

This school is more popular with women than with men.


There are approximately 9,870 female students and 6,635 male students at Eastfield College.

International Students at Eastfield College

Students from 25 countries are represented at this school, with the majority of the international students coming from Nepal, Vietnam, and India.

Learn more about international students at Eastfield College.

High Student Age Diversity

High Student Age Diversity
37.05% Traditional College Age
The age diversity score this school received indicates it is doing a good job attracting students of all ages.

Student Age Diversity  89.40 out of 100.
Less Diverse
More Diverse

A traditional college student is defined as being between the ages of 18-21. At Eastfield College, 37.05% of students fall into that category, compared to the national average of 60%.

Student Age Group Amount
18-19 3,146
20-21 2,855
22-24 2,246
35 and over 1,922
25-29 1,788
30-34 967
Under 18 0

Notes and References


*The racial-ethnic minorities count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the racial-ethnic minorities percentage.


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