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Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting at University of Central Missouri

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University of Central Missouri is # 1 in Best Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Colleges for Non-Traditional Students in Missouri

In College Factual's 2021 Best Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Colleges for Non-Traditional Students ranking, the Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting program at University of Central Missouri was ranked #1 in Missouri out of 459 schools in the nation.

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UCM #1 in 2021 Best Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Colleges for Non-Traditional Students in Missouri Ranking

Warrensburg, MO. For immediate release.

College Factual's 2021 update, UCM has been ranked 34th for non-traditional students studying Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting.

UCM is in the top 10% of the country for non-traditional students studying Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting. More specifically it was ranked #34 out of 459 schools by College Factual.

View the ranking for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting.

State Rankings for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting

The Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting program at UCM has been ranked #1 in Missouri by College Factual in their latest Best for Non-Traditional Students Ranking. This is out of 14 colleges in the state that offer this program.

This makes the Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting program at UCM the best in the state for non-traditional students.

See the Best Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Colleges for Non-Traditional Students in Missouri ranking.

About Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting at UCM

According to Department of Education Scorecard Data, there were 179 graduates from the UCM Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting bachelor-degree program in 2015-2017. In 2017-2018, recent graduates of the program earned anywhere from $29,650 to $35,700.

More about Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting at UCM.

About UCM

University of Central Missouri is a Public instituiton located in Warrensburg, Missouri and serves approximately 11,229 students. In 2017-2018 about 1,142 of those students were labeled as exclusively distance learners. The highest degree UCM offers is a post-master's certificate.

About College Factual

College Factual's mission is to help all students find a college and career they love, so they can enjoy their education and graduate with less debt and an exciting plan for their future. Located in Troy, NY, College Factual makes use of public and private data sources to publish thousands of unique data insights on every college and university in the United States.

Learn more about College Factual

How The Best Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Schools for Returning Adults Were Determined

The more specific college rankings can get, the more accurate they are. That's why College Factual created rankings specifically for non-traditional students studying Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting. The schools that score high in this ranking offer both quality Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting education and support for students classified as non-traditional.

Learn more by reading the Ranking Methodology


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