Finance & Financial Management at University of South Florida - St. Petersburg

Finance & Financial Management at University of South Florida - St. Petersburg

Finance & Financial Management is one of the majors in the business, management & marketing program at University of South Florida - St. Petersburg.

We've gathered data and other essential information about the program, such as the average salary of graduates, ethnicity of students, how many students graduated in recent times, and more. In addition, we cover how USF St. Petersburg ranks in comparison to other schools with finance programs.

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Finance & Financial Management Degrees Available at USF St. Petersburg

USF St. Petersburg Finance Rankings

The bachelor's program at USF St. Petersburg was ranked #215 on College Factual's Best Schools for finance list. It is also ranked #12 in Florida.

Ranking Type Rank
Best Value Colleges for Finance & Financial Management 105
Most Focused Colleges for Finance & Financial Management 140
Best Colleges for Finance & Financial Management 215
Most Popular Colleges for Finance & Financial Management 241
Highest Paid Finance & Financial Management Graduates 253

Popularity of Finance at USF St. Petersburg

During the 2018-2019 academic year, University of South Florida - St. Petersburg handed out 48 bachelor's degrees in finance and financial management. Due to this, the school was ranked #241 out of all colleges and universities that offer this degree. This is a decrease of 6% over the previous year when 51 degrees were handed out.

How Much Do Finance Graduates from USF St. Petersburg Make?

Salary of Finance Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree

The median salary of finance students who receive their bachelor's degree at USF St. Petersburg is $41,900. Unfortunately, this is lower than the national average of $47,500 for all finance students.


How Much Student Debt Do Finance Graduates from USF St. Petersburg Have?

Student Debt of Finance Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree

While getting their bachelor's degree at USF St. Petersburg, finance students borrow a median amount of $18,642 in student loans. This is not too bad considering that the median debt load of all finance bachelor's degree recipients across the country is $23,250.


The typical student loan payment of a bachelor's degree student from the finance program at USF St. Petersburg is $193 per month.

Finance Student Diversity at USF St. Petersburg

Take a look at the following statistics related to the make-up of the finance majors at University of South Florida - St. Petersburg.

USF St. Petersburg Finance & Financial Management Bachelor’s Program

Of the 48 students who earned a bachelor's degree in Finance & Financial Management from USF St. Petersburg in 2018-2019, 71% were men and 29% were women.


The majority of the students with this major are white. About 67% of 2019 graduates were in this category.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from University of South Florida - St. Petersburg with a bachelor's in finance.

Ethnic Background Number of Students
Asian 2
Black or African American 1
Hispanic or Latino 6
White 32
Non-Resident Aliens 0
Other Races 7

Majors Similar to Finance

Related Major Annual Graduates
Business Administration & Management 170
Accounting 97
Marketing 49
Management Information Systems 23
Entrepreneurial Studies 18

View All Finance & Financial Management Related Majors >


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