Ranked below you’ll find a list of the Florida online Radio, Television & Digital Communication programs ranked in order of popularity. Make certain you click on the colleges below to understand why they’re so popular.
If you’d like more information about how these schools are ranked visit the most popular colleges ranking methodology page.
University of Florida - Online is a great choice for students pursuing a Radio, Television & Digital Communication degree. The campus of is located in , .
This school does not require freshmen to live on-campus. This school offers advanced degree programs for students who need to carry on after earning a bachelor's degree. Get an idea of what student life at is really like by watching a few campus videos.
Seminole State College of Florida is a wonderful option for students pursuing a Radio, Television & Digital Communication degree. Positioned in Sanford, Florida, this college is ideal for students who thrive in an urban atmosphere.
Top quality education delivered to student veterans earns Seminole State College of Florida top marks. First-year students are not required to live on-campus at Seminole State College of Florida. Take a virtual tour to explore more about Seminole State College of Florida's campus.