Ranked below you’ll find a list of the Pennsylvania online Legal Professions (Other) colleges ranked in order of popularity. Discover what makes the schools below so popular by clicking on them for more info.
If you’d like more information about how these schools are ranked visit the most popular colleges ranking methodology page.
It's hard to find a better school than Temple University if you want to study Legal Professions (Other). The location in a big city is great for young people seeking ample chances for networking, experience, and exploration.
For students who wish to go on after earning a four-year degree, this school has grad programs available. Each year, around 83.0% freshmen receive scholarships, with the typical award being $8,152. Videos from Temple could be a great way to learn more about university.
Peirce College is a wonderful choice for students pursuing a Legal Professions (Other) degree. Situated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this school is a good choice for students who enjoy the thrills of a major city.
Many Peirce students are given scholarships. In addition to this school being one of the best colleges in Pennsylvania, 4.7% of its undergraduates are from out-of-state. Get a better idea of what student life at Peirce is really like by seeing a few campus videos.