Accounting & Computer Science is within the Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies field of study. 9 Accounting & Computer Science students graduate each year from Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies programs. From more than 384 school majors in the U.S., Accounting & Computer Science is the 336th most popular.
Go over the ranking breakdown for more information about the selection of the most popular Accounting & Computer Science colleges and universities.
Any student who is interested in Accounting & Computer Science needs to look into Southern New Hampshire University. The setting in a big city is tremendous for young people trying to find adequate chances for social networking, experience, and life.
Top quality education for veterans and military members has earned Southern New Hampshire University top marks. The campus at Southern New Hampshire University is remarkably diverse and is represented by undergrads from over 51 U.S. states and 41 nations around the world. Go on a virtual tour to know more about Southern New Hampshire University.