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How Well Is Rasmussen University - Minnesota Ranked?

2023 Rankings
College Factual analyzes over 2,000 colleges and universities in its annual rankings and ranks them in a variety of ways, including most diverse, best overall quality, best for non-traditional students, and much more.
Rasmussen University - Minnesota was awarded 157 badges in the 2023 rankings. The highest ranked major at the school is human resource management.
Overall Quality
College Factual ranked Rasmussen University - Minnesota as #401 out of 2,241 colleges and universities in the country on its 2023 Best Colleges list. This is an improvement over the previous year, when Rasmussen University - Minnesota held the #576 spot on the Best Overall Colleges list.
Out of the 55 colleges in Minnesota, Rasmussen University - Minnesota is ranked at #16.
See all of the rankings for Rasmussen University - Minnesota.
How Much Money Do Rasmussen University - Minnesota Graduates Make?
The pay for some majors is higher than others, but on average,
students who graduate with a bachelor's degree from Rasmussen University - Minnesota make about $35,667 a year during their first few years of employment after graduation. This is about 16% less that the average pay for college graduates overall. However, graduates with your major may make more.