If you work full-time or part-time, or even if you have other demands on your time, traditional classroom courses may not be that great of an option for you. However, online classes may offer the flexibility you need, and you may even be able to get your entire degree online. On this page, we'll look at what online learning options are available at Davis College.
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How Many Students Participate in Online Learning at Davis College?
79Undergrad Degree Seekers
0Undergrad Non-Seekers
In the 2019-2020 academic year, 79 students took at least one online class at Davis College. All of these students were undergraduates seeking a degree.
All Online Students at Davis College
79Took At Least One Online Class
5Took All Classes Online
100.00%Out of State Students
Of the 109 students at Davis College, 72.48% (79) took at least one class online.
About 4.59% (5) took all of their courses online.
Those students who took classes exclusively online were from the following places:
The table below shows the total number of online students at Davis College for the last five years.