What is a Herzing University - Madison degree worth? College Factual's value analysis compares Herzing University - Madison with other schools of similar quality to see if it's priced fairly.
Herzing University - Madison is ranked #143 out of 2,223 for value nationwide.
Based on the type of quality education Herzing University - Madison provides, we expected it to be priced higher. We consider Herzing University - Madison to be a great value, ranked #143 out of 2223 in College Factual's Best Colleges for the Money Ranking.
School | Total Price | Value Grade |
*Total price is determined by multiplying average annual cost by time to graduate.
Consider the average Herzing University - Madison student takes 4 years to complete their degree. If you can complete your degree faster than that you will save money. This is just one way your Herzing University - Madison degree may cost less than average.
The overall price of a college can vary depending on your individual circumstances.
About 100% of Herzing University - Madison students receive financial aid. Get more details on what Herzing University - Madison financial aid you may qualify for.
College Factual calculates value by calculating average Herzing University - Madison cost multiplied by time to graduate, and then compares that number to other schools of a similar quality ranking. If the school is priced fairly based on the educational quality it receives a fair ranking. If it is underpriced it receives a good or excellent value.
Read the full Best for the Money Ranking Methodology.