Your Indiana University - Southeast Return on Investment
Use the estimated return on investment for Indiana University - Southeast below to decide if attending Indiana University - Southeast is a smart financial decision for you.
Break Even In 3.9 Years at Indiana University - Southeast
College is expensive and every year spent getting your degree is a year of lost wages and additional expenses. To determine when you will make up for the costs of college (your Return on Investment), we will look at the estimated cost of a degree and the average starting salary of graduates from Indiana University - Southeast
Average yearly cost
Average years to graduate
Average starting salary
The average cost for a degree at Indiana University - Southeast comes out to about
. If you make about $33,000 a year, it will take you
3.9 years following graduation to break even.
Additional Considerations
Be Wary of Excess Debt: According to the U.S. Department of Education. In 2012, the nationwide average salary for young adults with a bachelor's degree was about $47,000, while only $30,000 for those with a high school diploma.
The "break even" calculation above does not include interest on student loans. How will your debt level affect your ROI?
Indiana University - Southeast Major Specific Salary Info