How does Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce compare to other colleges with respect to real results?
What happened to students who enrolled at this college? Find out how many graduated, how much student loan debt they're stuck with, and how much they get paid on average in their jobs. This can give you valuable insight on what the ROI might be for this school.
Of the 681 students that were expected to graduate on-time in 2020 , 524 remained at the school past their freshman year, 76 graduated on-time (two or four years depending on the degree) and 263 within a reasonable time (three or six years or within 150% of the on-time duration).
The majority of undergraduates (77.0% ) continued past their freshman year. | |
11.0% undergraduates completed their degree "on-time" (within two or four years depending on the degree) | |
39.0% undergraduates completed their degree in a reasonable time (within three or six years depending on the degree) |
A total of 8,340 Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce students entered loan repayment in 2009. After three years, 2.7% of these students ( 230 out of 8,340 ) defaulted on their loans.
Learn more about student loan debt at Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce .
On average, graduates of Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce earn about $19,000 in their early career. This is about $23,000 worse than might be expected given the mix of majors that are offered at Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce .
Learn more about salaries at the majors level at Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce .
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