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Is Jewish Theological Seminary of America a Good School for the Money?

Unknown National Value
Unknown In-State Value
$258,436 Avg Total Cost

Jewish Theological Seminary of America Value Report

Unfortunately, College Factual was unable to determine the value ranking of Jewish Theological Seminary of America due to lack of data.

That Degree May Cost You $258,436 in Total

The Jewish Theological Seminary of America time to graduate is about 4.23 years and will cost an estimated $61,096 per year. This brings the total cost to 258,436.

Average Yearly Cost$61,096
Average Years to Graduate4.23
Estimated Avg Total Cost of Degree$258,436

Many Factors Affect Net Price

There are many ways you can lower the cost of a college education. Consider taking advantage of in-state tuition, or shortening the length of your degree by taking summer classes. Learn more about Jewish Theological Seminary of America cost for other factors that may affect net price such as the financial aid you qualify for that is largely based on your family's income.

Does This School Make Financial Sense To You?

$236,174 In-State With Aid
$332,964 Avg Cost No Aid
4.23 Years to Graduate

The net price YOU pay may be very different than the typical net price.

Look at the table below to determine your likely cost of a bachelor's degree at Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

Nationwide Value by Aid GroupAvg Degree CostValue RankValue Grade
Students with no Aid$332,964#0F
All Students$258,436#0F
Only Students Receiving Aid$236,174#0F
In-State Value by Aid GroupAvg Degree CostValue RankValue Grade
Students with no Aid$332,964#F
All Students$258,436#F
Only Students Receiving Aid$236,174#F

Note: the Value Grade for in-state students is calculated by looking only at other schools in the state of New York.

About 63% of Jewish Theological Seminary of America students receive financial aid. Get more details on what Jewish Theological Seminary of America financial aid you may qualify for.

How to Finance The Gap

How to Calculate Value

College Factual calculates average total cost by multiplying by time to graduation. We then compare that cost to other schools of a similar quality to determine value. Unfortunately we were not able to determine the value of Jewish Theological Seminary of America due to lack of data. See the net price page for more information.

Read the full Best for the Money Ranking Methodology.


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