Make the very best college decision for yourself by understanding all of your college expenses. Start by understanding how much you will pay a year for housing, food, and more.
On this page you will find:
The table below will show you the expected costs of both on-campus and off-campus housing and food plans for Northeast Community College.
Expense | On Campus | Off Campus |
Room and Board | $9,435 | $7,836 |
— Housing | $5,560 | |
— Meals | $3,875 | |
Other Living Expenses | $1,442 | $2,294 |
Books and Supplies | $1,316 | $1,316 |
Total | $12,193 | $11,446 |
In the past five years, Northeast meal plans and housing costs have adjusted 3.2% on average each year, compared to a nationwide average change of 2.4%. If today's tendencies in room, board, and other expenses continue, we expect incoming first years in 2022 to spend about $12,464 in their first year of school. Students obtaining their associate degree might pay somewhere around $12,745 in their final year, while bachelor's degree students are going to shell out about $13,342 for their final year.
Total room and board costs over four years will be approximately $51,590; for just two years it will be about $25,210.
* estimated
Are you wondering whether you may be required to live on campus? If you are a first-time full-time student, some schools may require it. See the table below to find out whether Northeast does or not, as well as the on-campus housing capacity.
Question | Answer |
Are Freshmen Required to Live on Campus? | No |
On-Campus Housing Capacity | 545 |
Northeast Community College living expenses are priced quite reasonably! The normal student pays $12,193 as compared to the national average of $15,282.
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