Want the scoop on Montana State University - Northern Graduate School? We've put together a comprehensive report on the school that covers what degree programs Montana State University - Northern offers, if the school is ranked, how diverse it is, and much more. You can jump to any section of this page using the following list.
Montana State University - Northern Graduate School Rankings
Our 2024 overall quality rankings do not include Montana State University - Northern. This is usually a sign that we did not have enough data to compare the school to others on our list.
Montana State University - Northern Graduate Student Diversity
36Graduate Students
19.4%Racial-Ethnic Minorities*
Montana State University - Northern was the school of choice for 36 graduate students in the last year for which we have data. In order to come up with a feel for how diverse the school is, College Factual analyzed the demographics of these students. Keep reading to learn more.
Montana State University - Northern Graduate Student Male-Female Ratio
The total graduate student population at Montana State University - Northern is made up of 75.0% women and 25.0% men. Note that these percentages may differ for certain degree programs.
Montana State University - Northern Graduate Student Racial-Ethnic Diversity
Racial-ethnic minorities* make up 19.4% of the graduate student population at Montana State University - Northern. For more details on graduate school diversity at the school, check out the chart below. If you click on it, you'll be taken to a page with more details.
Montana State University - Northern Graduate School Cost of Attendance
$7,201Avg Tuition & Fees (In-State)
At Montana State University - Northern the average per-credit tuition rate is $885 for out-of state students. In-state students can expect to pay an average of $341.
The average tuition and fees for graduate students is shown below.
Location of Montana State University - Northern Graduate School
Online Learning for Montana State University - Northern Grad Students
2.4%Took At Least One Online Class
2.4%Took All Classes Online
About 2.4% of the graduate students at Montana State University - Northern took at least one online class during the 2020-2021 academic year. Roughly 2.4% of all grad students took courses exclusively online.
Montana State University - Northern Master’s Degree Programs
The only degree programs listed here are those in which master’s degrees were awarded in 2020-2021.
*The racial-ethnic minorities count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the racial-ethnic minorities percentage.