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2022 Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Agricultural Production

150 Colleges in the United States
1,294 Associate Degrees
$27,529 Avg Early-Career Salary
Agricultural Production is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #75 most popular associate degree program in the country. This means you won't have too much trouble finding schools that offer the degree.

For its 2022 ranking, College Factual looked at 150 schools in the United States to determine which ones were the most popular for agricultural production students pursuing a associate degree. When you put them all together, these colleges and universities awarded 1,294 associate degrees in agricultural production during the 2019-2020 academic year.

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Choosing a Great Agricultural Production School for Your Associate Degree

Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Agricultural Production Your choice of school for getting your associate degree in agricultural production matters. One of the reasons we created our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Agricultural Production ranking is to help you make that choice.

Being popular does not always equate to overall quality, but a school with a large number of agricultural production students usually has them for a reason. Sometimes this is because the school offers a great educational experience, it is a good value, or it is highly focused on the program.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Bachelor's Degrees in Agricultural Production
Master's Degrees in Agricultural Production
Doctor's Degrees in Agricultural Production
Overall Popularity in Agricultural Production

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for agricultural production.

Below you'll see a list of the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing an associate degree in agricultural production. Only those schools that rank in the top 15% of all the schools we analyze get awarded with a place on this list.

22 Most Well Attended Schools for Agricultural Production Students Working on Their Associate

69 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

West Hills College-Coalinga is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in agricultural production. Located in the town of Coalinga, West Hills College-Coalinga is a public college with a small student population.

There were approximately 69 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at West Hills College-Coalinga in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from West Hills College-Coalinga

59 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In NE
#1 Best Quality In NE

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture if you wish to pursue an associate degree in agricultural production. Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a fairly small public college located in the remote area of Curtis. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Nebraska.

There were about 59 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture

Reedley College crest
Reedley College
Reedley, CA
55 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Most Popular In CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at Reedley College if you wish to pursue an associate degree in agricultural production. Located in the distant town of Reedley, Reedley College is a public college with a medium-sized student population.

There were roughly 55 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Reedley College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Reedley College

Virginia Tech crest
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
55 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In VA
#1 Best Quality In VA

Virginia Tech is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in agricultural production. Located in the small city of Blacksburg, Virginia Tech is a public school with a fairly large student population. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Virginia.

There were about 55 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Virginia Tech in the most recent data year.

Students who graduate with their associate from the agricultural production program report average early career wages of $28,800.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Virginia Tech

52 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In NC
#1 Best Quality In NC

NC State is a fairly large public university located in the large city of Raleigh. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in North Carolina.

There were roughly 52 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at NC State in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from North Carolina State University

45 Annual Associate Degrees
#3 Most Popular In CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

MJC is a fairly large public college located in the city of Modesto.

There were roughly 45 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at MJC in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Modesto Junior College

Moorpark College crest
Moorpark College
Moorpark, CA
40 Annual Associate Degrees
#4 Most Popular In CA
#1 Best Quality In CA

Moorpark College is a fairly large public college located in the suburb of Moorpark. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in California.

There were roughly 40 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at Moorpark College in the most recent year we have data available.

Students who graduate with their associate from the agricultural production program state that they receive average early career income of $23,300.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Moorpark College

40 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In SD
#1 Best Quality In SD

Located in the rural area of Mitchell, Mitchell Tech is a public college with a small student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in South Dakota.

There were about 40 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at Mitchell Tech in the most recent data year.

Associate graduates who receive their degree from the agricultural production program earn about $29,300 for their early career.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Mitchell Technical College

Kirkwood Community College crest
Kirkwood Community College
Cedar Rapids, IA
40 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In IA
#1 Best Quality In IA

Located in the medium-sized city of Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Community College is a public college with a fairly large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Iowa.

There were approximately 40 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Kirkwood Community College in the most recent data year.

Agricultural Production associate degree recipients from Kirkwood Community College get an earnings boost of approximately $5,171 above the average income of agricultural production majors.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Kirkwood Community College

39 Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

UPR Utuado is a fairly small public university located in the rural area of Utuado.

There were roughly 39 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at UPR Utuado in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from University of Puerto Rico - Utuado

Bakersfield College crest
Bakersfield College
Bakersfield, CA
36 Annual Associate Degrees
#5 Most Popular In CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Bakersfield College is a fairly large public college located in the large city of Bakersfield.

There were approximately 36 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at Bakersfield College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Bakersfield College

36 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Most Popular In NC
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Wilkes Community College is a small public college located in the town of Wilkesboro.

There were about 36 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at Wilkes Community College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Wilkes Community College

36 Annual Associate Degrees
#5 Most Popular In CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Located in the midsize city of Visalia, College of the Sequoias is a public college with a large student population.

There were roughly 36 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at College of the Sequoias in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from College of the Sequoias

28 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In WI
#3 Best Quality In WI

North Central Technical College is a medium-sized public college located in the small city of Wausau. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #3 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Wisconsin.

There were roughly 28 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at North Central Technical College in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Northcentral Technical College

27 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In OH
#1 Best Quality In OH

Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute is a small public university located in the town of Wooster. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Ohio.

There were approximately 27 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute in the most recent year we have data available.

Students who graduate with their associate from the agricultural production program state that they receive average early career wages of $28,800.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute

25 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Most Popular In IA
#3 Best Quality In IA

NICC is a small public college located in the rural area of Calmar. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #3 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Iowa.

There were about 25 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at NICC in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Northeast Iowa Community College

Wabash Valley College crest
Wabash Valley College
Mount Carmel, IL
25 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In IL
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Located in the town of Mount Carmel, Wabash Valley College is a public college with a small student population.

There were roughly 25 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Wabash Valley College in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Wabash Valley College

24 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Most Popular In IL
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Located in the small city of Moline, BHC is a public college with a small student population.

There were approximately 24 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at BHC in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Black Hawk College

23 Annual Associate Degrees
#3 Most Popular In IA
#5 Best Quality In IA

Located in the distant town of Iowa Falls, Ellsworth is a public college with a fairly small student population. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #5 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Iowa.

There were approximately 23 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Ellsworth in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Ellsworth Community College

Lake Land College crest
Lake Land College
Mattoon, IL
19 Annual Associate Degrees
#3 Most Popular In IL
#1 Best Quality In IL

Lake Land College is a small public college located in the distant town of Mattoon. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in Illinois.

There were roughly 19 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Lake Land College in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Lake Land College

17 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In DE
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Delaware Tech is a fairly large public college located in the small city of Dover.

There were about 17 agricultural production students who graduated with this degree at Delaware Tech in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Delaware Technical Community College - Terry

16 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In NY
#2 Best Quality In NY

Niagara County Community College is a small public college located in the rural area of Sanborn. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #2 in quality for associate degrees in agricultural production in New York.

There were about 16 agricultural production individuals who graduated with this degree at Niagara County Community College in the most recent data year.

Associate graduates who receive their degree from the agricultural production program earn an average of $21,000 for their early career.

More information about a associate in agricultural production from Niagara County Community College

Additional Noteworthy Schools

Here are some additional great schools for Agricultural Production students that almost earned our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Agricultural Production award.

Rank College Location
25 Wenatchee Valley College Wenatchee, WA
25 Mt. San Antonio College Walnut, CA
25 North Iowa Area Community College Mason City, IA
28 Piedmont Technical College Greenwood, SC
28 Northwest Kansas Technical College Goodland, KS
30 Merced College Merced, CA
30 Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Fennimore, WI
30 Fox Valley Technical College Appleton, WI
30 Walla Walla Community College Walla Walla, WA
23 Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale, AZ
24 Southeastern Community College West Burlington, IA
25 Wenatchee Valley College Wenatchee, WA
25 Mt. San Antonio College Walnut, CA
25 North Iowa Area Community College Mason City, IA

Agricultural Production by Region

View the Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Agricultural Production for a specific region near you.

New England
Rocky Mountains
Plains States
Middle Atlantic
Far Western US
Great Lakes

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One of 16 majors within the Agriculture & Agriculture Operations area of study, Agricultural Production has other similar majors worth exploring.

Agricultural Production Focus Areas

Major Annual Graduates
Agricultural Production Operations 433
Animal/Livestock Husbandry & Production 387
Crop Production 231
Horse Husbandry/Equine Science & Management 94
Agroecology & Sustainable Agriculture 70
Dairy Husbandry & Production 50
Agricultural Production Operations 17
Aquaculture 12

Related Major Annual Graduates
Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians 4,279
Agricultural Economics & Business 1,731
Horticulture 1,308
General Agriculture 856
Agricultural Mechanization 570
Animal Science 333
Animal Services 265
Food Science Technology 156
Plant Sciences 129
Other Agriculture 103

Notes and References

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