2022 Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Communication & Journalism in Michigan
Communication & Journalism is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #15 most popular associate degree program in the country. This means you won't have too much trouble finding schools that offer the degree.
In 2022, College Factual analyzed 13 schools in order to identify the top ones for its Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Communication & Journalism in Michigan ranking. When you put them all together, these colleges and universities awarded 55 associate degrees in communication and journalism during the 2019-2020 academic year.
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Choosing a Great Communication & Journalism School for Your Associate Degree
Your choice of school for getting your associate degree in communication and journalism matters.
We created our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Communication & Journalism in Michigan ranking to make it a little easier to choose the right one for you.
Being popular does not always equate to overall quality, but a school with a large number of communication and journalism students usually has them for a reason. This may be due to it being a great value, it offering a stellar educational experience, or the subject is a major focus of the school.
One Size Does Not Fit All
This ranking is just one of the many we have created.
First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above.
Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location.
On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for communication and journalism.
Most Popular Schools for Associate Students to Study Communication & Journalism in Michigan
Below you'll see a list of the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing an associate degree in communication and journalism.
10 Most Well Attended Schools for Communication & Journalism Students Working on Their Associate
Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree
Highest Degree Type
Delta College is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in communication and journalism. Delta College is a medium-sized public college located in the rural area of University Center.
There were approximately 10 communication and journalism individuals who graduated with this degree at Delta College in the most recent data year.
More information about a associate in communication and journalism from Delta College
Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree
Highest Degree Type
Southwestern Michigan College is a popular choice for students interested in an associate degree in communication and journalism. Located in the rural area of Dowagiac, SMC is a public college with a small student population. More information about a associate in communication and journalism from Southwestern Michigan College
Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree
Highest Degree Type
Henry Ford College is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in communication and journalism. Henry Ford College is a fairly large public college located in the small city of Dearborn.
There were about 9 communication and journalism students who graduated with this degree at Henry Ford College in the most recent data year.
More information about a associate in communication and journalism from Henry Ford College
Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree
Highest Degree Type
Lansing Community College is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in communication and journalism. LCC is a fairly large public college located in the midsize city of Lansing.
There were roughly 6 communication and journalism students who graduated with this degree at LCC in the most recent data year.
More information about a associate in communication and journalism from Lansing Community College
Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree
Highest Degree Type
Washtenaw Community College is a popular choice for individuals pursuing an associate degree in communication and journalism. Located in the large suburb of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Community College is a public college with a fairly large student population.
There were approximately 6 communication and journalism individuals who graduated with this degree at Washtenaw Community College in the most recent data year.
More information about a associate in communication and journalism from Washtenaw Community College