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2022 Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for General Education in Texas

13 Colleges in Texas
81 Associate Degrees
General Education is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #54 most popular associate degree program in the country. This means you won't have too much trouble finding schools that offer the degree.

College Factual reviewed 13 schools in Texas to determine which ones were the most popular for associate degree seekers in the field of general education. Combined, these schools handed out 81 associate degrees in general education to qualified students.

What's on this page: * Other Rankings

Choosing a Great General Education School for Your Associate Degree

Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for General Education in Texas Your choice of school for getting your associate degree in education matters. As an aid in helping you pick the right school for you, we created our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for General Education in Texas ranking.

A high popularity ranking isn't always a sign that a school has a great overall quality ranking for general education, but it does mean that many students are choosing the school for some reason. Sometimes this is because the school offers a great educational experience, it is a good value, or it is highly focused on the program.

More Ways to Rank General Education Schools

Bachelor's Degrees in Education
Master's Degrees in Education
Doctor's Degrees in Education
Overall Popularity in Education

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for general education.


The following list ranks the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing an associate degree in general education.

10 Most Well Attended Schools for Education Students Working on Their Associate

35 Annual Associate Degrees
#3 Best Quality In TX
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at El Paso Community College if you want to pursue an associate degree in general education. Located in the city of El Paso, El Paso Community College is a public college with a very large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #3 in quality for associate degrees in general education in Texas. More information about a associate in general education from El Paso Community College

22 Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Paris Junior College is a popular decision for individuals pursuing an associate degree in general education. Paris Junior College is a small public college located in the town of Paris.

There were roughly 22 general education students who graduated with this degree at Paris Junior College in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in general education from Paris Junior College

14 Annual Associate Degrees
#4 Best Quality In TX
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Trinity Valley Community College is a popular option for students pursuing an associate degree in general education. TVCC is a moderately-sized public college located in the distant town of Athens. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #4 in quality for associate degrees in general education in Texas.

There were about 14 general education individuals who graduated with this degree at TVCC in the most recent data year.

Soon after graduating, education associate recipients usually earn around $16,100 at the beginning of their careers.

More information about a associate in general education from Trinity Valley Community College

4 Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Frank Phillips College is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in general education. Located in the town of Borger, FPC is a public college with a small student population.

There were about 4 general education students who graduated with this degree at FPC in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in general education from Frank Phillips College

4 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Best Quality In TX
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Southwestern Assemblies of God University is one of the most popular schools in the country for getting an associate degree in general education. Southwestern Assemblies of God University is a small private not-for-profit university located in the large suburb of Waxahachie. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for associate degrees in general education in Texas.

There were roughly 4 general education individuals who graduated with this degree at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in general education from Southwestern Assemblies of God University

1 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Best Quality In TX
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

LETU is a small private not-for-profit university located in the city of Longview. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #2 in quality for associate degrees in general education in Texas. More information about a associate in general education from LeTourneau University

CBC crest
Coastal Bend College
Beeville, TX
1 Annual Associate Degrees
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Located in the town of Beeville, CBC is a public college with a small student population.

There were approximately 1 general education individuals who graduated with this degree at CBC in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in general education from Coastal Bend College

Blinn College crest
Blinn College
Brenham, TX

Blinn College is a fairly large public college located in the town of Brenham. More information about a associate in general education from Blinn College

Hill College crest
Hill College
Hillsboro, TX

Hill College is a small public college located in the distant town of Hillsboro. More information about a associate in general education from Hill College

Temple College crest
Temple College
Temple, TX

Located in the small city of Temple, Temple College is a public college with a small student population. More information about a associate in general education from Temple College

Best General Education Colleges in the Southwest Region

Explore all the Most Popular General Education Schools in the Southwest Area or other specific states within that region.

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Arizona 165 9
New Mexico 137 54
Oklahoma 135 179

View All Rankings >

One of 14 majors within the Education area of study, General Education has other similar majors worth exploring.

Majors Similar to Education

Related Major Annual Graduates
Teacher Education Grade Specific 2,808
Instructional Media Design 78
Teaching Assistants 63
Teacher Education Subject Specific 27
Teaching English or French 4

Notes and References

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