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Latin Teacher Education Related Majors

Latin Teacher Education is one of 37 different focus areas within teacher education subject specific.

Other Teacher Education Subject Specific Concentrations

Teacher Education Subject Specific contains 37 different concentrations you can study.

MajorAnnual Degrees Awarded
Physical Education Teaching & Coaching8,121
Reading Teacher Education6,490
Music Education4,761
Mathematics Education3,395
English & Language Arts Education3,113
Other Teacher Education & Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas2,335
Social Studies Education1,968
Art Education1,837
Health Education1,801
Science Education1,371
Agricultural Teacher Education1,130
Biology Education865
History Education804
Trade & Industrial Teacher Education715
Technology Education575
Social Science Teacher Education474
Technical Teacher Education462
Spanish Education457
School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist370
Modern Language Education338
Drama & Dance Education293
Family & Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education286
Chemistry Education238
Computer Teacher Education217
Business and Innovation/Entrepreneurship Teacher Education185
Earth Science Teacher Education169
Physics Education152
Environmental Education96
Speech Teacher Education68
French Language Teacher Education55
Driver & Safety Teacher Education55
Health Occupations Teacher Education48
Communication Arts and Literature Teacher Education22
Distributive Education11
German Language Teacher Education8
Psychology Teacher Education5
Geography Teacher Education3

Choosing The Right Latin Teacher Education Major

With over 2,100 different majors to choose from, selecting the best one can be daunting. The best fit for you should align with your goals, interests and natural strengths. Want help selecting the best match major for you? Try Majors Matcher.

Interested In Getting A Latin Teacher Education Degree

With over 16 different Latin teacher education degree programs to choose from, finding the best fit for you can be a challenge. Fortunately you have come to the right place. We have analyzed all of these schools come up with hundreds of un-biased Latin teacher education school rankings to help you with this.

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