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2022 Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Reading Teacher Education in New York

51 Colleges in New York
770 Master's Degrees
If you pursue a master's degree in reading teacher education, you won't be alone. The field of study is the #30 most popular program in the country. So, there are lots of possibilities to explore when you're trying to determine where you want to get your degree.

For its 2022 ranking, College Factual looked at 51 schools in New York to determine which ones were the most popular for reading teacher education students pursuing a master's degree. Combined, these schools handed out 770 master's degrees in reading teacher education to qualified students.

What's on this page: * Other Rankings

Choosing a Great Reading Teacher Education School for Your Master's Degree

Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Reading Teacher Education in New York Your choice of school for getting your master's degree in reading teacher education matters. One of the reasons we created our Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Reading Teacher Education in New York ranking is to help you make that choice.

A high popularity ranking isn't always a sign that a school has a great overall quality ranking for reading teacher education, but it does mean that many students are choosing the school for some reason. This may be due to it being a great value, it offering a stellar educational experience, or the subject is a major focus of the school.

More Ways to Rank Reading Teacher Education Schools

Doctor's Degrees in Reading Teacher Education
Overall Popularity in Reading Teacher Education

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. Plus, you can view our other rankings for reading teacher education.


The following list ranks the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing a master's degree in reading teacher education.

10 Most Well Attended Schools for Reading Teacher Education Students Working on Their Master's

SUNY Oneonta crest
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY
98 Annual Master's Degrees
#13 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

Any student who is interested in a master's degree in reading teacher education has to check out SUNY Oneonta. SUNY Oneonta is a moderately-sized public school located in the town of Oneonta.

There were roughly 98 reading teacher education individuals who graduated with this degree at SUNY Oneonta in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from SUNY Oneonta

48 Annual Master's Degrees
#27 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at St. Joseph's College - New York if you want to pursue a master's degree in reading teacher education. SJC is a medium-sized private not-for-profit college located in the large city of Brooklyn.

There were approximately 48 reading teacher education students who graduated with this degree at SJC in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from St. Joseph’s College - New York

SUNY New Paltz crest
SUNY New Paltz
New Paltz, NY
47 Annual Master's Degrees
#17 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

SUNY New Paltz is a popular option for individuals interested in a master's degree in reading teacher education. SUNY New Paltz is a moderately-sized public school located in the large suburb of New Paltz.

There were about 47 reading teacher education students who graduated with this degree at SUNY New Paltz in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from SUNY New Paltz

46 Annual Master's Degrees
#24 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

The College at Brockport is a popular choice for students interested in a master's degree in reading teacher education. Located in the town of Brockport, SUNY Brockport is a public college with a moderately-sized student population.

There were about 46 reading teacher education individuals who graduated with this degree at SUNY Brockport in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from The College at Brockport

Touro crest
Touro College
New York, NY
40 Annual Master's Degrees
#23 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

Touro is a large private not-for-profit college located in the city of New York.

There were about 40 reading teacher education students who graduated with this degree at Touro in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from Touro College

SUNY Geneseo crest
SUNY Geneseo
Geneseo, NY
39 Annual Master's Degrees
#19 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

Located in the distant town of Geneseo, SUNY Geneseo is a public school with a small student population.

There were roughly 39 reading teacher education students who graduated with this degree at SUNY Geneseo in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from SUNY Geneseo

35 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

Teachers College is a small private not-for-profit university located in the city of New York. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for master's degrees in reading teacher education in New York.

There were approximately 35 reading teacher education students who graduated with this degree at Teachers College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from Teachers College at Columbia University

QC crest
Queens College
Queens, NY
28 Annual Master's Degrees
#8 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

QC is a large public college located in the large city of Queens. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #8 in quality for master's degrees in reading teacher education in New York.

There were approximately 28 reading teacher education individuals who graduated with this degree at QC in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from Queens College

26 Annual Master's Degrees
#11 Best Quality In NY
Doctor's Degree Highest Degree Type

STJ is a fairly large private not-for-profit university located in the city of Queens.

There were about 26 reading teacher education individuals who graduated with this degree at STJ in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from St John’s University - New York

Hunter crest
Hunter College
New York, NY
25 Annual Master's Degrees
#4 Best Quality In NY
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

Hunter is a very large public college located in the city of New York. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #4 in quality for master's degrees in reading teacher education in New York.

There were about 25 reading teacher education individuals who graduated with this degree at Hunter in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in reading teacher education from Hunter College

Best Reading Teacher Education Colleges in the Middle Atlantic Region

Explore all the Most Popular Reading Teacher Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Area or other specific states within that region.

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Pennsylvania 586 561
Maryland 342 123
District of Columbia 330 0
New Jersey 323 146
Delaware 123 32

View All Rankings >

One of 37 majors within the Teacher Education Subject Specific area of study, Reading Teacher Education has other similar majors worth exploring.

Related Major Annual Graduates
English & Language Arts Education 347
Mathematics Education 290
Physical Education Teaching & Coaching 242
Social Studies Education 235
Music Education 215
Art Education 154
Biology Education 113
Science Education 99
Health Education 91
School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist 77

Notes and References

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