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2022 Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Engineering Technology (Other) in the Great Lakes Region

3 Colleges in the Great Lakes Region
134 Master's Degrees
Engineering Technology (Other) is about average in terms of popularity for master's degrees programs. That is, it ranks #193 out of the 326 majors across the country that we analyze each year. So, you may have to do some digging around to find quality schools that offer the degree program. This list can help with that.

For its 2022 ranking, College Factual looked at 3 schools in the Great Lakes Region to determine which ones were the most popular for engineering technology (other) students pursuing a master's degree. When you put them all together, these colleges and universities awarded 134 master's degrees in engineering technology (other) during the 2019-2020 academic year.

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Choosing a Great Engineering Technology (Other) School for Your Master's Degree

Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Engineering Technology (Other) in the Great Lakes Region Your choice of school for getting your master's degree in other engineering tech matters. As an aid in helping you pick the right school for you, we created our Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Engineering Technology (Other) in the Great Lakes Region ranking.

Being popular does not always equate to overall quality, but a school with a large number of engineering technology (other) students usually has them for a reason. Sometimes this is because the school offers a great educational experience, it is a good value, or it is highly focused on the program.

More Ways to Rank Engineering Technology (Other) Schools

Associate Degrees in Other Engineering Tech
Bachelor's Degrees in Other Engineering Tech
Doctor's Degrees in Other Engineering Tech
Overall Popularity in Other Engineering Tech

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. Plus, you can view our other rankings for engineering technology (other).

The following list ranks the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing a master's degree in engineering technology (other).

Most Well Attended Schools for Other Engineering Tech Students Working on Their Master's

100 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In IL
#1 Best Quality In IL

Northwestern University is a popular choice for students pursuing a master's degree in engineering technology (other). Northwestern is a very large private not-for-profit university located in the city of Evanston. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for master's degrees in engineering technology (other) in Illinois.

There were roughly 100 engineering technology (other) individuals who graduated with this degree at Northwestern in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in engineering technology (other) from Northwestern University

34 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In IN
#1 Best Quality In IN

Any student pursuing a degree in a master's degree in engineering technology (other) needs to look into Purdue University - Main Campus. Purdue is a very large public university located in the city of West Lafayette. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for master's degrees in engineering technology (other) in Indiana.

There were approximately 34 engineering technology (other) students who graduated with this degree at Purdue in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in engineering technology (other) from Purdue University - Main Campus

Saginaw Valley State University crest
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI
#1 Most Popular In MI

Saginaw Valley State University is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting a master's degree in engineering technology (other). Located in the suburb of University Center, Saginaw Valley State University is a public university with a medium-sized student population. More information about a master’s in engineering technology (other) from Saginaw Valley State University

Best Engineering Technology (Other) Colleges by State

Explore the most popular engineering technology (other) colleges for a specific state in the Great Lakes Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Illinois 219 66
Michigan 203 1
Indiana 181 31

View All Rankings >

One of 18 majors within the Engineering Technologies area of study, Engineering Technology (Other) has other similar majors worth exploring.

Related Major Annual Graduates
Engineering-Related Fields 774
Industrial Production Technology 173
Mechanical Engineering Technology 93
General Engineering Technology 50
Environmental Control Technology 29
Quality Control Technology 29
Electromechanical Engineering Technology 26
Architectural Engineering Technology 21
Electronics Engineering Technology 14
Construction Engineering Technology 8

Notes and References

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