Colleges in the Southeast Region
Associate Degrees
Health Information Management is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #239 most popular associate degree program in the country. So, you have a fair amount of options to choose from when looking for a school.
In 2022, College Factual analyzed 10 schools in order to identify the top ones for its Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Health Information Management in the Southeast Region ranking. Combined, these schools handed out 22 associate degrees in health information management to qualified students.
What's on this page: * Other Rankings
Your choice of school for getting your associate degree in health information matters.
As an aid in helping you pick the right school for you, we created our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Health Information Management in the Southeast Region ranking.
Being popular does not always equate to overall quality, but a school with a large number of health information management students usually has them for a reason. This may be due to it being a great value, it offering a stellar educational experience, or the subject is a major focus of the school.
We have also developed a number of other rankings to help guide you in your decision-making process.
To begin with, if this is not the degree level you are most interested in, you may want to check out one of the others noted above.
If you would prefer to limit your search to a specific state or region of the county, see our rankings by location.
On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for health information management.