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2025 Best Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary Associate Degree Schools in the Far Western US Region

11 Colleges in the Far Western US Region
320 Associate Degrees
If you pursue a associate degree in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary, you won't be alone. The field of study is the #50 most popular program in the country. This means there are lots of options to choose from when you decide to get your degree.

For its 2025 ranking, College Factual looked at 11 schools in the Far Western US Region to determine which ones were the best for medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary students pursuing a associate degree. When you put them all together, these colleges and universities awarded 320 associate degrees in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary during the 2022-2023 academic year.

What's on this page: * Our Methodology

Choosing a Great Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary School for Your Associate Degree

Best Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary Associate Degree Schools in the Far Western US Region Your choice of medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary for getting your associate degree school matters. This section explores some of the factors we include in our ranking and how much they vary depending on the school you select. To make it into this list, a school must excel in the following areas.

A Great Overall School

A school that excels in educating for a particular major and degree level must be a great school overall as well. To take this into account we consider a school's overall Best Colleges ranking which itself looks at a combination of various factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.

Other Factors We Consider

The metrics below are just some of the other metrics that we use to determine our rankings.

Our full ranking methodology documents in more detail how we consider these factors to identify the best schools for medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary students working on their associate degree.

More Ways to Rank Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary Schools

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The medical administrative/executive assistant and medical secretary school you choose to invest your time and money in matters. To help you make the decision that is right for you, we've developed a number of major-specific rankings, including this list of the Best Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary Associate Degree Schools in the Far Western US Region.

Best Schools for Associate Students to Study Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary in the Far Western US Region

The following list ranks the best colleges and universities for pursuing an associate degree in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary.

10 Top Far Western US Region Schools for an Associate in Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary

Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
2 Annual Graduates

City College of San Francisco is one of the finest schools in the country for getting an associate degree in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary. City College of San Francisco is a fairly large public college located in the city of San Francisco.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from City College of San Francisco

Merced Community College District crest
Merced College
Merced, CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
26 Annual Graduates

Any student who is interested in an associate degree in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary needs to take a look at Merced College. Merced Community College District is a large public college located in the city of Merced.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Merced College

Butte College crest
Butte College
Oroville, CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
10 Annual Graduates

Butte College is a wonderful decision for students interested in an associate degree in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary. Butte College is a fairly large public college located in the rural area of Oroville.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Butte College

Shasta College crest
Shasta College
Redding, CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
4 Annual Graduates

Any student pursuing a degree in an associate degree in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary needs to look into Shasta College. Located in the midsize suburb of Redding, Shasta College is a public college with a medium-sized student population.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Shasta College

Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
2 Annual Graduates

Located in the midsize city of Spokane, Spokane Community College is a public college with a medium-sized student population.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Spokane Community College

Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
4 Annual Graduates

Located in the suburb of Gresham, MHCC is a public college with a moderately-sized student population.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Mt. Hood Community College

Ventura College crest
Ventura College
Ventura, CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
29 Annual Graduates

Located in the medium-sized city of Ventura, Ventura College is a public college with a large student population.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Ventura College

Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
19 Annual Graduates

GCC is a large public college located in the city of Glendale.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Glendale Community College

SMC crest
Santa Monica College
Santa Monica, CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
21 Annual Graduates

Located in the city of Santa Monica, SMC is a public college with a fairly large student population.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Santa Monica College

SAC crest
Santa Ana College
Santa Ana, CA
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type
73 Annual Graduates

SAC is a fairly large public college located in the large city of Santa Ana.More information about a associate in medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary from Santa Ana College

Best Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary Colleges by State

Explore the best medical administrative/executive assistant & medical secretary schools for a specific state in the Far Western US Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
California 405 149
Washington 288 75
Oregon 260 16

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Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary is one of 23 different types of Health & Medical Administrative Services programs to choose from.

Majors Similar to Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary

Related Major Annual Graduates
Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician 387
Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder 210
Medical Office Assistant/Specialist 83
Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller 79
Health Care Management 63
Health Information Management 19
Hospital & Health Care Facilities Administration/Management 3
Medical Office Management/Administration 2

Notes and References

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