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Best Medical/Health Management & Clinical Assistant/Specialist Associate Degree Colleges in the Southeast Region

Unfortunately, there were no schools in the Southeast Region that made our Best Medical/Health Management & Clinical Assistant/Specialist Associate Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list. You may want to check out our national ranking in the field instead.

Insufficient Data for the Southeast Region

As a result of missing data, we were not able to provide you with the medical/health management & clinical assistant/specialist quality ranking. This is typically due to there not being enough schools in the Southeast Region that both offer medical/health management & clinical assistant/specialist and provided enough information for us to do a detailed analysis.

Instead, take a look at at some of our other Medical/Health Management & Clinical Assistant/Specialist rankings below or check out our overall Best Colleges for Medical/Health Management & Clinical Assistant/Specialist ranking.

Best Medical/Health Management & Clinical Assistant/Specialist Colleges by State

Explore the best medical/health management & clinical assistant/specialist colleges for a specific state in the Southeast Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Florida 232 0
Georgia 217 9

View All Rankings >

Medical/Health Management & Clinical Assistant/Specialist is one of 23 different types of Health & Medical Administrative Services programs to choose from.

Related Major Annual Graduates
Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller 3,200
Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant & Medical Secretary 2,183
Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician 917
Health Care Management 912
Medical Office Management/Administration 822
Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder 652
Other Health & Medical Administrative Services 172
Medical Office Assistant/Specialist 105
Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor 22
Medical Staff Services Technology/Technician 22

Notes and References

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