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2022 Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist

4 Colleges in the United States
18 Master's Degrees
Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapistmaster's programs are on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of popularity. In fact, the major degree program ranks #768 out of the 1095 majors we look at each year. While this may limit the number of schools that offer the degree program, there are still top-quality ones to be found.

In 2022, College Factual analyzed 4 schools in order to identify the top ones for its Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist ranking. Combined, these schools handed out 18 master's degrees in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist to qualified students.

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Choosing a Great Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist School for Your Master's Degree

Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist The kinesiotherapy master's degree program you select can have a big impact on your future. One of the reasons we created our Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist ranking is to help you make that choice.

A high popularity ranking isn't always a sign that a school has a great overall quality ranking for kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist, but it does mean that many students are choosing the school for some reason. Sometimes this is because the school offers a great educational experience, it is a good value, or it is highly focused on the program.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Associate Degrees in Kinesiotherapy
Bachelor's Degrees in Kinesiotherapy
Overall Popularity in Kinesiotherapy

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist.

Learn about the most popular colleges and universities for kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist students seeking a a master's degree.

Most Well Attended Schools for Kinesiotherapy Students Working on Their Master's

9 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In AZ
#1 Best Quality In AZ

Arizona State University - Tempe is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting a master's degree in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist. ASU - Tempe is a fairly large public university located in the midsize city of Tempe. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for master's degrees in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist in Arizona. More information about a master’s in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist from Arizona State University - Tempe

8 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In NC
#1 Best Quality In NC

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at University of North Carolina at Charlotte if you wish to pursue a master's degree in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist. Located in the large city of Charlotte, UNC Charlotte is a public university with a fairly large student population. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for master's degrees in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist in North Carolina.

There were approximately 8 kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist individuals who graduated with this degree at UNC Charlotte in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist from University of North Carolina at Charlotte

1 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In MA
#1 Best Quality In MA

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at Bridgewater State University if you want to pursue a master's degree in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist. Bridgewater State is a large public university located in the suburb of Bridgewater. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for master's degrees in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist in Massachusetts.

There were approximately 1 kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist individuals who graduated with this degree at Bridgewater State in the most recent data year.

More information about a master’s in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist from Bridgewater State University

#1 Most Popular In OH

University of Akron Main Campus is one of the most popular schools in the country for getting a master's degree in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist. University of Akron Main Campus is a fairly large public university located in the midsize city of Akron. More information about a master’s in kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist from University of Akron Main Campus

Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist by Region

View the Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist for a specific region near you.

New England
Rocky Mountains
Plains States
Middle Atlantic
Far Western US
Great Lakes

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One of 13 majors within the Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Professions area of study, Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist has other similar majors worth exploring.

Related Major Annual Graduates
Occupational Therapy 6,640
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling 846
Art Therapy 432
Orthotist/Prosthetist 221
Other Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 217
Music Therapy 160
Rehabilitation Science 130
Assistive/Augmentative Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering 60
Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy 51
Dance Therapy 38

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