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2023 Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degree Guide

Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degrees Shrinking in Popularity

#459 Most Popular Major
870 Degrees Awarded
-11.4% Increase in Graduates

In 2020-2021, therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy was the 459th most popular major nationwide with 870 degrees awarded. This 99 less than the prior year, a decrease of 11.4%.

This year's Best Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Schools ranking compares 35 of them to identify the best overall programs in the country. Explore this or one of our many other custom therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy rankings further below.

2023 Best Colleges for Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
2023 Overall Best Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Colleges >

Best Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Schools by Degree

Associate Degrees in Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
Bachelor's Degrees in Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
Master's Degrees in Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy

What Are The Requirements For a Degree in Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy

Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times is a required skill for therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy majors. Required skills include talking to others to convey information effectively and being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.

Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degree Program Entry Requirements

New students will need to have completed high school or a GED program and each school will have their own minimum GPA and SAT/ACT test requirements. In addition to these basic therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy program qualifications, to serve in some therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy careers, special certification may be required outside of your degree.

Types of Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degrees

There are many different therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy degree levels. You can get anything from a in therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy to the highest therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy degree, a . The type of therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy degree you choose will determine how long it takes to get your diploma.

Degree Credit Requirements Typical Program Length
Associate Degree 60-70 credits 2 years
Bachelor’s Degree 120 credits 4 years
Master’s Degree 50-70 credits 1-3 years
Doctorate Program required coursework including thesis or dissertation At least 4 years

A bachelor's degree is the most common level of education achieved by those in careers related to therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy, with approximately 43.9% of workers getting one. Find out other typical degree levels for therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy workers below.

Level of Education Percentage of Workers
Bachelor’s Degree 54.2%
Master’s Degree 26.2%
Post-Master’s Certificate 4.9%
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate 4.9%
Doctoral Degree 4.1%

Most workers in therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy have at least a master's degree. View the chart below to get an idea of what degree level most of those in therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy careers have.


This of course varies depending on which therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy career you choose.

Career Opportunities for A Degree In Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Graduate

Average Number of Jobs
86.5k Avg. Related Jobs Salary
25% Growth Job Outlook 2016-26

High Growth Projected for Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Careers

Want a job when you graduate with your therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy degree? Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy careers are expected to grow 24.5% between 2016 and 2026.

The following options are some of the most in-demand careers related to therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy.

Occupation Name Projected Jobs Expected Growth
Health Specialties Professors 294,000 25.9%
Recreational Therapists 20,500 6.8%

Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degree Salary Potential

As you might expect, salaries for therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy graduates vary depending on the level of education that was acquired.

High Paying Careers for Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Majors

Salaries for therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy graduates can vary widely by the occupation you choose as well. The following table shows the top highest paying careers therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy grads often go into.

Occupation Name Median Average Salary
Health Specialties Professors $122,320
Recreational Therapists $50,640

Getting Your Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Degree

With over 80 different therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy degree programs to choose from, finding the best fit for you can be a challenge. Fortunately you have come to the right place. We have analyzed all of these schools to come up with hundreds of unbiased therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy school rankings to help you with this.

One of 15 majors within the Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Professions area of study, Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy has other similar majors worth exploring.

Related Major Annual Graduates
Physical Therapy/Therapist 13,655
Occupational Therapy 9,958
Rehabilitation Science 1,161
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling 1,046
Art Therapy 858

View All Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy Related Majors >


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