2025 Best Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Associate Degree Schools in Minnesota
Colleges in Minnesota
Associate Degrees
Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #6 most popular associate degree program in the country. So, you have a fair amount of options to choose from when looking for a school.
College Factual reviewed 2 schools in Minnesota to determine which ones were the best for associate degree seekers in the field of multi / interdisciplinary studies. When you put them all together, these colleges and universities awarded 80 associate degrees in multi / interdisciplinary studies during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Jump to one of the following sections: * Our Methodology
Average Early-Career Salaries
To determine the overall quality of a graduate school, one factor we look at is the average early-career salary of those receiving their associate degree from the school. After all, your associate degree won't mean much if it doesn't help you find a job that will help you earn a living.
Other Factors We Consider
In addition to the above, you should consider some of the following factors:
- Major Focus - How much a school focuses on multi / interdisciplinary studies students vs. other majors.
- Major Demand - How many other multi / interdisciplinary studies students want to attend this school to pursue a associate degree.
- Educational Resources - The amount of money and other resources allocated to students while they are pursuing their degree. These resources include such things as number of students per instructor and education expenditures per student.
- Student Debt - How much debt multi / interdisciplinary studies students go into to obtain their associate degree and how well they are able to pay back that debt.
- Accreditation - Whether a school is regionally accredited and/or accredited by a recognized multi / interdisciplinary studies related body.
Our full ranking methodology documents in more detail how we consider these factors to identify the best schools for multi / interdisciplinary studies students working on their associate degree.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Since the program you select can have a significant impact on your future, we've developed a number of rankings, including this Best Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Associate Degree Schools in Minnesota list, to help you choose the best school for you.