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Best Philosophy Doctor’s Degree Colleges in the Southeast Region

Unfortunately, there were no schools in the Southeast Region that made our Best Philosophy Doctor's Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list. You may want to check out our national ranking in the field instead.

Choosing a Great Philosophy School for Your Doctor's Degree

Best Philosophy Doctor's Degree Schools in the Southeast Region The philosophy doctor's degree program you select can have a big impact on your future. This section explores some of the factors we include in our ranking and how much they vary depending on the school you select. To make it into this list, a school must excel in the following areas.

A Great Overall School

The overall quality of a doctor's degree school is important to ensure a quality education, not just how well they do in a particular major. To make it into this list a school must rank well in our overall Best Colleges for a Doctor's Degree ranking. This ranking considered factors such as graduation rates, overall graduate earnings and other educational resources to identify great colleges and universities.

Early-Career Earnings

One measure we use to determine the quality of a school is to look at the average salary of doctorate graduates during the early years of their career. This is because one of the main reasons people pursue their doctor's degree is to enable themselves to find better-paying positions.

Other Factors We Consider

In addition to the above, you should consider some of the following factors:

Our full ranking methodology documents in more detail how we consider these factors to identify the best colleges for philosophy students working on their doctor's degree.

Insufficient Data for the Southeast Region

Sadly , we did not have sufficient info to produce a ranking of the top quality colleges for philosophy in the Southeast Region . This is usually due to there not being enough schools in the Southeast Region that both offer philosophy and provided enough information for us to do a sufficient analysis.

Instead, look at at some of our other Philosophy rankings below or check out our overall Best Colleges for Philosophy ranking.

Best Philosophy Colleges by State

Explore the best philosophy schools for a specific state in the Southeast Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Florida 138 15
Virginia 127 1
Georgia 126 11
North Carolina 115 28
Mississippi 113 0
Louisiana 103 6
Tennessee 102 10
South Carolina 91 2
Kentucky 87 4
Arkansas 58 0

View All Rankings >

Philosophy is one of 3 different types of Philosophy & Religious Studies programs to choose from.

Philosophy Focus Areas

Major Annual Graduates
Philosophy 49
Applied & Professional Ethics 11

Majors Similar to Philosophy

Related Major Annual Graduates
Religious Studies 80
General Philosophy & Religious Studies 2

Notes and References

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