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2022 Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting in the Southwest Region

126 Colleges in the Southwest Region
4,138 Associate Degrees
$24,444 Avg Early-Career Salary
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #4 most popular associate degree program in the country. This means you won't have too much trouble finding schools that offer the degree.

College Factual reviewed 126 schools in the Southwest Region to determine which ones were the most popular for associate degree seekers in the field of homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting. When you put them all together, these colleges and universities awarded 4,138 associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting during the 2019-2020 academic year.

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Choosing a Great Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting School for Your Associate Degree

Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting in the Southwest Region Your choice of school for getting your associate degree in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting matters. We created our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting in the Southwest Region ranking to make it a little easier to choose the right one for you.

Being popular does not always equate to overall quality, but a school with a large number of homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students usually has them for a reason. Sometimes this is because the school offers a great educational experience, it is a good value, or it is highly focused on the program.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Bachelor's Degrees in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting
Master's Degrees in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting
Doctor's Degrees in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting
Overall Popularity in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. Plus, you can view our other rankings for homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting.

The following list ranks the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing an associate degree in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting. Only those schools that rank in the top 15% of all the schools we analyze get awarded with a place on this list.

19 Most Well Attended Schools for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Students Working on Their Associate

487 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In AZ
#1 Best Quality In AZ

You'll be surrounded by many like-minded peers at University of Phoenix - Arizona if you wish to pursue an associate degree in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting. UOPX - Arizona is a very large private for-profit university located in the city of Tempe. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Arizona.

There were roughly 487 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at UOPX - Arizona in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from University of Phoenix - Arizona

387 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In TX
#1 Best Quality In TX

South Texas College is a popular option for students interested in an associate degree in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting. South Texas College is a fairly large public college located in the midsize city of McAllen. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Texas.

There were approximately 387 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at South Texas College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from South Texas College

300 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Most Popular In TX
#11 Best Quality In TX

El Paso Community College is a popular option for students pursuing an associate degree in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting. El Paso Community College is a very large public college located in the large city of El Paso.

There were roughly 300 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at El Paso Community College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from El Paso Community College

El Centro College crest
El Centro College
Dallas, TX
181 Annual Associate Degrees
#3 Most Popular In TX
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

El Centro College is a popular option for students interested in an associate degree in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting. El Centro College is a very large public college located in the city of Dallas.

There were about 181 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at El Centro College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from El Centro College

173 Annual Associate Degrees
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

AIU Online is a fairly large private for-profit university located in the rural area of Schaumburg.

There were roughly 173 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at AIU Online in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from American InterContinental University - Online

North Harris Montgomery crest
Lone Star College System
The Woodlands, TX
156 Annual Associate Degrees
#4 Most Popular In TX
#2 Best Quality In TX

Located in the city of The Woodlands, North Harris Montgomery is a public college with a fairly large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #2 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Texas.

There were roughly 156 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at North Harris Montgomery in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Lone Star College System

134 Annual Associate Degrees
#5 Most Popular In TX
#7 Best Quality In TX

Austin Community College District is a very large public college located in the city of Austin. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #7 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Texas.

There were approximately 134 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at Austin Community College District in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Austin Community College District

109 Annual Associate Degrees
#3 Most Popular In AZ
#2 Best Quality In AZ

Located in the midsize city of Tempe, Rio Salado College is a public college with a fairly large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #2 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Arizona.

There were approximately 109 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at Rio Salado College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Rio Salado College

90 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In NM
#1 Best Quality In NM

NMSU Dona Ana is a moderately-sized public university located in the rural area of Las Cruces. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in New Mexico.

There were about 90 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at NMSU Dona Ana in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from New Mexico State University - Dona Ana


85 Annual Associate Degrees
#7 Most Popular In TX
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Located in the midsize suburb of Killeen, Central Texas College is a public college with a fairly large student population.

There were approximately 85 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at Central Texas College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Central Texas College

84 Annual Associate Degrees
#4 Most Popular In AZ
#8 Best Quality In AZ

Located in the small city of Yuma, AWC is a public college with a medium-sized student population. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #8 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Arizona.

There were roughly 84 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at AWC in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Arizona Western College

81 Annual Associate Degrees
#8 Most Popular In TX
#6 Best Quality In TX

Collin County Community College District is a fairly large public college located in the midsize suburb of McKinney. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #6 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Texas.

There were approximately 81 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at Collin County Community College District in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Collin County Community College District

71 Annual Associate Degrees
#5 Most Popular In AZ
#6 Best Quality In AZ

Located in the large city of Tucson, Pima County Community College District is a public college with a large student population. Potential students might also be interested to know that the school ranks #6 in quality for associate degrees in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting in Arizona.

There were roughly 71 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at Pima County Community College District in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Pima Community College

69 Annual Associate Degrees
#9 Most Popular In TX
#10 Best Quality In TX

Located in the medium-sized city of Waco, MCC is a public college with a medium-sized student population.

There were roughly 69 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at MCC in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from McLennan Community College

Blinn College crest
Blinn College
Brenham, TX
66 Annual Associate Degrees
#10 Most Popular In TX
#12 Best Quality In TX

Located in the town of Brenham, Blinn College is a public college with a fairly large student population.

There were approximately 66 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at Blinn College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Blinn College

San Antonio College crest
San Antonio College
San Antonio, TX
64 Annual Associate Degrees
#11 Most Popular In TX
#16 Best Quality In TX

Located in the city of San Antonio, San Antonio College is a public college with a large student population.

There were roughly 64 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting students who graduated with this degree at San Antonio College in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from San Antonio College

63 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In OK
Associate Degree Highest Degree Type

Tulsa Community College is a large public college located in the city of Tulsa.

There were approximately 63 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at Tulsa Community College in the most recent data year.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Tulsa Community College

73 Annual Associate Degrees
#12 Most Popular In TX
#14 Best Quality In TX

Located in the city of Tyler, Tyler Junior College is a public college with a fairly large student population.

There were approximately 73 homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting individuals who graduated with this degree at Tyler Junior College in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a associate in homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting from Tyler Junior College

Additional Noteworthy Schools

Here are some additional great schools for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting students in the Southwest Region that almost earned our Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting in the Southwest Region award.

Rank College Location
25 Navarro College Corsicana, TX
20 Amarillo College Amarillo, TX
21 Tarrant County College District Fort Worth, TX
22 South Plains College Levelland, TX
23 Del Mar College Corpus Christi, TX
24 Central New Mexico Community College Albuquerque, NM
25 Navarro College Corsicana, TX

Best Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Colleges by State

Explore the most popular homeland security, law enforcement and firefighting colleges for a specific state in the Southwest Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Texas 38 2,554
Oklahoma 37 305
Arizona 36 1,088
New Mexico 35 271

View All Rankings >

Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting Majors to Study

Major Annual Graduates
Criminal Justice & Corrections 3,711
Fire Protection 342
Security Science and Technology 52
Homeland Security 32
Other Homeland Security 1

Majors Similar to Homeland Security, Law Enforcement & Firefighting

Related Major Annual Graduates
Legal Professions 875
Military Technologies & Applied Sciences 874
Parks, Recreation, Leisure, & Fitness Studies 594
Public Administration & Social Service 562

Notes and References

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