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Best Social Work Doctor’s Degree Colleges in the Plains States Region

Unfortunately, there were no schools in the Plains States Region that made our Best Social Work Doctor's Degree Schools in the Plains States Region list. You may want to check out our national ranking in the field instead.

Choosing a Great Social Work School for Your Doctor's Degree

Best Social Work Doctor's Degree Schools in the Plains States Region Your choice of social work for getting your doctor's degree school matters. Important measures of a quality social work program can vary widely even among the top schools. When choosing a school we recommend considering some of the following factors:

Quality Overall Is Important

A school that excels in educating for a particular major and degree level must be a great school overall as well. To account for this we include a college's overall Best Colleges for a Doctor's Degree ranking which itself looks at a host of different factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.

Average Earnings

To determine the overall quality of a graduate school, one factor we look at is the average early-career salary of those receiving their doctor's degree from the school. After all, your doctor's degree won't mean much if it doesn't help you find a job that will help you earn a living.

Other Factors We Consider

The metrics below are just some of the other metrics that we use to determine our rankings.

Our full ranking methodology documents in more detail how we consider these factors to identify the best colleges for social work students working on their doctor's degree.

Insufficient Data for the Plains States Region

Regrettably , we don't have enough data to make a ranking of the quality schools for social work in the Plains States Region . This is usually due to there not being enough schools in the Plains States Region that both offer social work and provided enough information for us to do a sufficient analysis.

Instead, take a look at at some of our other Social Work rankings below or check out our overall Best Colleges for Social Work ranking.

Best Social Work Colleges by State

Explore the best social work schools for a specific state in the Plains States Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Missouri 122 8
Minnesota 120 130
Iowa 110 0
Kansas 97 6

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Social Work Concentrations

Major Annual Graduates
Social Work 145

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