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2022 Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Visual Communications in the Rocky Mountains Region

2 Colleges in the Rocky Mountains Region
57 Associate Degrees
Visual Communications is above average in terms of popularity with it being the #113 most popular associate degree program in the country. This means you won't have too much trouble finding schools that offer the degree.

In 2022, College Factual analyzed 2 schools in order to identify the top ones for its Most Popular Associate Degree Colleges for Visual Communications in the Rocky Mountains Region ranking. Combined, these schools handed out 57 associate degrees in visual communications to qualified students.

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One Size Does Not Fit All

Bachelor's Degrees in Graphic Arts
Master's Degrees in Graphic Arts
Overall Popularity in Graphic Arts

This ranking is just one of the many we have created. First of all, if you are interested in other degree levels, you may want to take a look at one of the rankings highlighted above. Also, if you are interested in attending school in a specific part of the country, see our rankings by location. On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for visual communications.

The following list ranks the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing an associate degree in visual communications.

Most Well Attended Schools for Graphic Arts Students Working on Their Associate

41 Annual Associate Degrees
#1 Most Popular In UT
#2 Best Quality In UT

Utah Valley University is one of the most popular schools in the country for getting an associate degree in visual communications. Located in the small city of Orem, UVU is a public university with a very large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #2 in quality for associate degrees in visual communications in Utah. More information about a associate in visual communications from Utah Valley University

Salt Lake Community College crest
Salt Lake Community College
Salt Lake City, UT
16 Annual Associate Degrees
#2 Most Popular In UT
#1 Best Quality In UT

Salt Lake Community College is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting an associate degree in visual communications. Located in the suburb of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Community College is a public college with a very large student population. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #1 in quality for associate degrees in visual communications in Utah. More information about a associate in visual communications from Salt Lake Community College

Best Visual Communications Colleges by State

Explore the most popular visual communications schools for a specific state in the Rocky Mountains Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Utah 223 50

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Visual Communications is one of 9 different types of Design & Applied Arts programs to choose from.

Majors Similar to Graphic Arts

Related Major Annual Graduates
Interior Design 154
Graphic Design 50
Commercial Photography 22
Fashion Design 14
Commercial & Advertising Art 9
Game & Interactive Media Design 9
Illustration 4

Notes and References

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