2024 Best Schools for the Money (Income $30-$48k) in North Dakota for Doctor's Degrees
It's not easy to decide which school to attend when you have so many options available. At College Factual, we're committed to helping you make that decision by providing information such as that found in our Best Doctor's Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $30-$48k) in North Dakota ranking. A school that typically has a high sticker price may actually be very affordable, depending on how much need-based financial aid you receive.
See What's Included in This Value Report:
Finding Your Best College Match
We analyzed 3 schools across North Dakota to determine which have the best value Doctor's Degree programs. To come up with this ranking of the best value schools, we look at factors that are all objective measurements. We explain more about what we look at and why we do so below.
Our Methodology
When determining the value of a school in our Best Doctor's Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $30-$48k) in North Dakota ranking, we first look at its average net price of a student coming from a family that makes $30-$48k a year. The net price is defined as the sum of room and board, tuition, and fees minus any financial aid that the student receives.
But, a school that excels in providing value for your money must also be a great school overall as well.
To account for this we include a school's overall Best Colleges ranking which itself looks at a host of various factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.
We go into more detail on these factors on our best value ranking methodology page.