2024 Best Schools for the Money (Income $48-$75k) in the United States for Associate Degrees
Avg Net Price (With Aid)*
Discount Rate*
When pursuing a degree in today's world, there are many different options to choose from. One of our goals at College Factual is to give you as much information as we can - such as our Best Schools For The Money For Those Making $48-$75k for an Associate ranking - to help you make that decision. A school that typically has a high sticker price may actually be very affordable, depending on how much need-based financial aid you receive.
See What's Included in This Value Report:
Finding Your Best College Match
We analyzed 1,269 schools across the United States to determine which have the best value Associate Degree programs. Instead of depending on subjective information to rank the best value schools, we focus on objective factors in our analysis. We explain more about what we look at and why we do so below.
Our Methodology
To calculate the value of a school in our Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking, we first consider its average net price of students from families making $48-$75k a year. The net price is the sum of room and board, tuition, and fees minus any financial aid that that the student receives.
But, a school that excels in providing value for your money must also be a great school overall as well.
To take this into account we include a college's overall Best Colleges ranking which itself looks at a collection of various factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.
We go into more detail on these factors on our best value ranking methodology page.
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Best Value Associate Degree Schools (Income $48-$75k) in the United States
Learn more about these excellent schools below:
Our analysis found Purdue University - Main Campus to be the best value (income $48-$75k) school for associate degrees in the United States in this year’s ranking. Purdue is located in West Lafayette, Indiana and has a large student population. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Purdue University - Main Campus is ranked #1 for quality in the state of Indiana. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $4,645.
Learn More About Value at Purdue University - Main Campus
You’ll be in good company if you decide to attend Washington University in St Louis. It ranked #2 on our 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. Washington University in St Louis is a fairly large private not-for-profit school located in Saint Louis, Missouri.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Washington University in St Louis is ranked #1 for quality in the state of Missouri. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $9,248.
Read full value report on Washington University in St Louis
You’ll be in good company if you decide to attend Lee College. It ranked #3 on our 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. This medium-sized public school is located in Baytown, Texas.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Lee College is ranked #1 for quality in the state of Texas. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $5,574.
Learn More About Value at Lee College
A rank of #4 on our Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list means Southern Regional Technical College is a great place for students working on their degree. Thomasville, Georgia is the setting for this small institution of higher learning. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Southern Regional Technical College is ranked #12 for quality in the state of Georgia.
Full Southern Regional Technical College Value Report
A rank of #5 on our Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list means Eastern Gateway Community College is a great place for students working on their degree. Eastern Gateway Community College is located in Steubenville, Ohio and has a large student population. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Eastern Gateway Community College is ranked #5 for quality in the state of Ohio. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $2,204.
Read full value report on Eastern Gateway Community College
South Texas College ranked #6 on this year’s Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. South Texas College is located in McAllen, Texas and has a large student population. It is a public school.
South Texas College has the honor of being ranked #9 in Texas for overall quality on top of being a good value. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $3,268.
Read full value report on South Texas College
Golden West College came in at #7 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Golden West College is a fairly large public school situated in Huntington Beach, California.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Golden West College is ranked #2 for quality in the state of California. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $6,429.
Full Golden West College Value Report
Cleveland Community College did quite well in the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking, coming in at #8. Cleveland Community College is a small public school situated in Shelby, North Carolina.
Not only is Cleveland Community College a great value, but it is also ranked #6 in North Carolina for overall quality. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $1,056.
Read full value report on Cleveland Community College
El Centro College did quite well in the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking, coming in at #9. El Centro College is located in Dallas, Texas and has a large student population. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, El Centro College is ranked #7 for quality in the state of Texas. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $5,619.
Read full value report on El Centro College
Clover Park Technical College did quite well in the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking, coming in at #10. Clover Park Technical College is a small public school located in Lakewood, Washington.
Clover Park Technical College has the honor of being ranked #1 in Washington for overall quality on top of being a good value. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $5,837.
Full Clover Park Technical College Value Report
Central New Mexico Community College came in at #11 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. CNM is a fairly large public school situated in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Not only is Central New Mexico Community College a great value, but it is also ranked #1 in New Mexico for overall quality. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $5,991.
Full Central New Mexico Community College Value Report
With a ranking of #12, Ranken Technical College did quite well on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. Ranken Technical College is a small private not-for-profit school situated in Saint Louis, Missouri.
Not only is Ranken Technical College a great value, but it is also ranked #2 in Missouri for overall quality. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $10,947.
Full Ranken Technical College Value Report
Southwestern College came in at #13 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. SWC Chula Vista is a fairly large public school situated in Chula Vista, California.
Southwestern College has the honor of being ranked #4 in California for overall quality on top of being a good value. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $7,131.
Learn More About Value at Southwestern College
Central Georgia Technical College did quite well in the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking, coming in at #14. CGTC is a public institution located in Warner Robins, Georgia.
Not only is Central Georgia Technical College a great value, but it is also ranked #2 in Georgia for overall quality. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $5,585.
Learn More About Value at Central Georgia Technical College
Honolulu Community College landed the #15 spot on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Honolulu, Hawaii is the setting for this small institution of higher learning. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Honolulu Community College is ranked #1 for quality in the state of Hawaii. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $7,989.
Full Honolulu Community College Value Report
With a ranking of #16, Montgomery College did quite well on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. Located in Rockville, Maryland, the school is a fairly large public institution.
Montgomery College has the honor of being ranked #2 in Maryland for overall quality on top of being a good value. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $7,942.
Full Montgomery College Value Report
With a ranking of #17, Brigham Young University - Idaho did quite well on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. Rexburg, Idaho is the setting for this large institution of higher learning. It is a private not-for-profit school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Brigham Young University - Idaho is ranked #1 for quality in the state of Idaho. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $5,300.
Learn More About Value at Brigham Young University - Idaho
With a ranking of #18, Utah Valley University did quite well on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. Utah Valley University is a large public school located in Orem, Utah.
Not only is Utah Valley University a great value, but it is also ranked #1 in Utah for overall quality. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $9,842.
Read full value report on Utah Valley University
American Public University System landed the #19 spot on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. American Military University is a private for-profit institution located in Charles Town, West Virginia.
American Public University System has the honor of being ranked #1 in West Virginia for overall quality on top of being a good value. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $11,356.
Read full value report on American Public University System
Northwest Vista College landed the #20 spot on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Northwest Vista College is located in San Antonio, Texas and has a fairly large student population. It is a public school.
Not only is Northwest Vista College a great value, but it is also ranked #8 in Texas for overall quality. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $6,544.
Full Northwest Vista College Value Report
Trident Technical College came in at #21 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Charleston, South Carolina is the setting for this fairly large institution of higher learning. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Trident Technical College is ranked #1 for quality in the state of South Carolina. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $3,978.
Learn More About Value at Trident Technical College
Pasadena City College came in at #22 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Pasadena City College is a large public school located in Pasadena, California.
Not only is Pasadena City College a great value, but it is also ranked #10 in California for overall quality. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $6,469.
Learn More About Value at Pasadena City College
With a ranking of #23, West Valley College did quite well on the 2024 Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) list. Saratoga, California is the setting for this medium-sized institution of higher learning. It is a public school.
West Valley College has the honor of being ranked #21 in California for overall quality on top of being a good value. The average yearly net price for a student whose family makes $48-$75k per year is $5,399.
Full West Valley College Value Report
Fashion Institute of Technology came in at #24 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Fashion Institute of Technology is a medium-sized public school located in New York, New York.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Fashion Institute of Technology is ranked #4 for quality in the state of New York. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $11,425.
Full Fashion Institute of Technology Value Report
Wallace Community College, Dothan came in at #25 in this year’s edition of the Best Associate Degree Colleges for the Money (Income $48-$75k) ranking. Wallace, Dothan is a public institution located in Dothan, Alabama.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, Wallace Community College, Dothan is ranked #4 for quality in the state of Alabama. Students from families who make $48-$75k a year pay an annual average net price of $2,477.
Read full value report on Wallace Community College, Dothan