2024 Best Schools for the Money (No Aid) in New Mexico for Doctor's Degrees
Avg Graduate Tuition & Fees*
Avg Room & Board*
It's not easy to decide which school to attend when you have so many options available. One of our goals at College Factual is to give you as much information as we can - such as our Best Value New Mexico Schools for a Doctorate ranking - to help you make that decision.
See What's Included in This Value Report:
Finding Your Best College Match
After analyzing 3 schools in New Mexico, we came up with our list of those that offered the best value Doctor's Degree programs. To come up with this ranking of the best value schools, we look at factors that are all objective measurements. We explain more about what we look at and why we do so below.
Our Methodology
To determine the value of a school in our Best Doctor's Degree Colleges for the Money in New Mexico ranking, we first add average tuition, fees, and room and board costs (without aid) together.
But, a school that excels in providing value for your money must also be a great school overall as well.
To take this into account we include a school's overall Best Colleges ranking which itself looks at a combination of different factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.
We go into more detail on these factors on our best value ranking methodology page.
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Best Value Doctor's Degree Schools (No Aid) in New Mexico
Learn more about these excellent schools below:
Our 2024 rankings named University of New Mexico - Main Campus the best value (no aid) school in New Mexico for students working on their doctor’s degree. UNM is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and has a large student population. It is a public school.
In addition to being included on this ranking as a good value, University of New Mexico - Main Campus is ranked #1 for quality in the state of New Mexico. The average cost to attend the school for graduate students if you don’t receive any aid is $17,511 a year.
Full University of New Mexico - Main Campus Value Report
You’ll be in good company if you decide to attend New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. It ranked #2 on our 2024 Best Doctor’s Degree Colleges for the Money in New Mexico list. Located in Socorro, New Mexico, the school is a small public institution.
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology has the honor of being ranked #2 in New Mexico for overall quality on top of being a good value. The average cost to attend the school for graduate students if you don’t receive any aid is $17,235 a year.
Learn More About Value at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
A rank of #3 on our Best Doctor’s Degree Colleges for the Money in New Mexico list means New Mexico State University - Main Campus is a great place for students working on their degree. Las Cruces, New Mexico is the setting for this fairly large institution of higher learning. It is a public school.
Not only is New Mexico State University - Main Campus a great value, but it is also ranked #3 in New Mexico for overall quality. The average cost without aid for the school is $17,333 per year for graduate students.
Full New Mexico State University - Main Campus Value Report
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