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2022 Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Public Administration in the New England Region

25 Colleges in the New England Region
786 Master's Degrees
$59,343 Avg Early-Career Salary
Ranked #16 in popularity, public administration is one of the most sought-after master's degree programs in the nation. This means there are lots of options to choose from when you decide to get your degree.

In 2022, College Factual analyzed 25 schools in order to identify the top ones for its Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Public Administration in the New England Region ranking. Combined, these schools handed out 786 master's degrees in public administration to qualified students.

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Choosing a Great Public Administration School for Your Master's Degree

Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Public Administration in the New England Region Your choice of school for getting your master's degree in public admin matters. As an aid in helping you pick the right school for you, we created our Most Popular Master's Degree Colleges for Public Administration in the New England Region ranking.

A high popularity ranking isn't always a sign that a school has a great overall quality ranking for public administration, but it does mean that many students are choosing the school for some reason. Sometimes this is because the school offers a great educational experience, it is a good value, or it is highly focused on the program.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Associate Degrees in Public Admin
Bachelor's Degrees in Public Admin
Overall Popularity in Public Admin

We have also developed a number of other rankings to help guide you in your decision-making process. To begin with, if this is not the degree level you are most interested in, you may want to check out one of the others noted above. If you would prefer to limit your search to a specific state or region of the county, see our rankings by location. On top of that, you can visit our other rankings for public administration.


The following list ranks the most popular colleges and universities for pursuing a master's degree in public administration.

10 Most Well Attended Schools for Public Admin Students Working on Their Master's

Harvard crest
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
287 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In MA
#1 Best Quality In MA

Harvard University is one of the most popular schools in the United States for getting a master's degree in public administration. Harvard is a fairly large private not-for-profit university located in the midsize city of Cambridge. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Massachusetts.

There were approximately 287 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at Harvard in the most recent data year.

Those public administration students who get their master's degree from Harvard University receive $38,957 more than the standard public admin graduate.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Harvard University

101 Annual Master's Degrees
#2 Most Popular In MA
#3 Best Quality In MA

Anna Maria College is a popular decision for individuals pursuing a master's degree in public administration. Located in the rural area of Paxton, Anna Maria is a private not-for-profit college with a small student population. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #3 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Massachusetts.

There were approximately 101 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at Anna Maria in the most recent data year.

Public Administration master's degree recipients from Anna Maria College get an earnings boost of about $30,657 above the average earnings of public administration graduates.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Anna Maria College

47 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In CT
#1 Best Quality In CT

Every student pursuing a degree in a master's degree in public administration has to check out University of Connecticut. Located in the suburb of Storrs, UCONN is a public university with a very large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Connecticut.

There were approximately 47 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at UCONN in the most recent data year.

Soon after graduation, public admin master's recipients typically make around $54,300 in the first five years of their career.

More information about a master’s in public administration from University of Connecticut

Clark crest
Clark University
Worcester, MA
43 Annual Master's Degrees
#3 Most Popular In MA
#7 Best Quality In MA

Clark University is one of the most popular schools in the country for getting a master's degree in public administration. Clark is a small private not-for-profit university located in the midsize city of Worcester. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #7 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Massachusetts.

There were roughly 43 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at Clark in the most recent data year.

Master's graduates who receive their degree from the public admin program make about $32,100 in the first couple years of their career.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Clark University

Norwich crest
Norwich University
Northfield, VT
38 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In VT
#1 Best Quality In VT

Norwich is a small private not-for-profit university located in the distant town of Northfield. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Vermont.

There were approximately 38 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at Norwich in the most recent data year.

Soon after graduation, public admin master's recipients typically make around $58,100 in their early careers.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Norwich University

34 Annual Master's Degrees
#4 Most Popular In MA
#6 Best Quality In MA

Suffolk is a moderately-sized private not-for-profit university located in the city of Boston. You also may be intersted to know that the school ranks #6 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Massachusetts.

There were roughly 34 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at Suffolk in the most recent data year.

Soon after graduating, public admin master's recipients typically make about $59,400 in the first five years of their career.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Suffolk University

Post University crest
Post University
Waterbury, CT
22 Annual Master's Degrees
#2 Most Popular In CT
#4 Best Quality In CT

Post University is a fairly large private for-profit university located in the suburb of Waterbury. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #4 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Connecticut.

There were approximately 22 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at Post University in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Post University

20 Annual Master's Degrees
#5 Most Popular In MA
#10 Best Quality In MA

Northeastern University Professional Advancement Network is a large private not-for-profit university located in the large city of Boston.

There were approximately 20 public administration students who graduated with this degree at Northeastern University Professional Advancement Network in the most recent data year.

Master's graduates who receive their degree from the public admin program earn around $53,300 for their early career.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Northeastern University Professional Advancement Network

19 Annual Master's Degrees
#6 Most Popular In MA
Master's Degree Highest Degree Type

Framingham State is a small public university located in the small city of Framingham.

There were approximately 19 public administration students who graduated with this degree at Framingham State in the most recent year we have data available.

More information about a master’s in public administration from Framingham State University

19 Annual Master's Degrees
#1 Most Popular In RI
#1 Best Quality In RI

Located in the suburb of Kingston, URI is a public university with a large student population. This isn't the only ranking where the school placed. It's also #1 in quality for master's degrees in public administration in Rhode Island.

There were about 19 public administration individuals who graduated with this degree at URI in the most recent year we have data available.

Master's students who receive their degree from the public admin program earn an average of $54,700 for their early career.

More information about a master’s in public administration from University of Rhode Island


Best Public Administration Colleges by State

Explore the most popular public administration schools for a specific state in the New England Region .

State Colleges Degrees Awarded
Massachusetts 215 670
Connecticut 150 84
Rhode Island 116 33
New Hampshire 102 14
Vermont 88 40

View All Rankings >

Public Administration is one of 5 different types of Public Administration & Social Service programs to choose from.

Public Admin Concentrations

Major Annual Graduates
Public Administration 786

Related Major Annual Graduates
Social Work 2,545
Public Policy 487
Human Services 66
Community Organization & Advocacy 46
Other Public Administration 10

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